Frequently asked questions

This is a collection of frequently asked questions and their answers. Some of the answers are not yet written.

What is the difference between passphrase and recovery key?

The password that can access the key backup is called the recovery key and is very long, starts with a capital E and should be saved or printed after setup. Since this password is hard to remember in everyday life (e.g. when on the road, looking at Matrix, but having only access to untrusted computers) think of a passphrase (easy to remember) from which the recovery key is calculated (in the browser/client) before trying to “open” the key backup.

Why is there no status bar at the bottom of the screen when hovering over hyperlinks in the Desktop-Client element? How can they be trusted then?

In fact, the status bar is a popular test of the seriousness of hyperlinks to click on. In the Desktop Client Element this is not possible, similar to the mobile clients. Here, right-click on the link and check the presented target page for seriousness.

How to tell people a room address with Element Desktop Client?

With the link, under the i for the room properties and another click on “Share room”.

How to tell people a room address with Element Web-Client?

With the link, under the i for the room properties, a further click on “Part room”, and changing of the front with

Is it possible to write LaTeX?

Yes, but it is an experimental feature right now. It will be available for everybody in a few weeks:

Are there something like Threads (like in Mattermost/Slack) in Matrix?

No, threads like in Mattermost or Slack are not existing in Matrix currently. The developers of Element are aware of this topic and planned it for a future release. To get more information, follow their roadmap:

Is it possible to change the passphrase for my key backup?


Is it possible to reset the key backup if the passphrase is lost along with the (saved and printed) recovery key


Why is there no room “Hochschule Darmstadt”? Who is allowed to create it?

All persons that create a room are administrative persons and are responsible for the room. Matrix is not designed for the exchange of thousands of members at the university yet. When a central room is needed one day, its establishment and maintenance would certainly be the responsibility of the presidium.

How can administrators delete many messages at once?


Sometimes a room is marked in bold and when clicked on, there is no time to edit the content and any consequences immediately. Is it possible to mark a room as “unread” again?

Unfortunately this is not possible in Element. As a workaround, you can mark the room as a favorite and notice yourself that your own favorites should be looked at again.

How to solve video or audio not working in a video conference on a MacOS?

Often Element does not have the rights to access the webcam and microphone. These can be assigned in the system settings under Security and Privacy.

How many people can be invited at once into a room? Can E-Mail addresses used to invite people?

Mass invitation by E-Mail is not supported in Element currently. When mass invitations are needed, please send an request via the servicedesk for assistance. Invitations for up to 100 people by their ZIH username are allowed.

Is modification of access permissions possible for all rooms in a community, that only members of that community can enter?

No, this is not possible. Rooms can be part of multiple communities. Therefore the access permission will be set on room based level.

Can Element Desktop Client manage multiple Matrix-Accounts?

The Element Desktop client can manage only one Matrix-Account right now. But it is possible to start several Element-windows with different Matrix-Accounts, also within the computers Autostart-settings. Therefore, execution commands need to change (or additional ones created) to open a specific profile:

element-desktop --profile PROFILE_NAME

Several Element-Starters with different profile names are placed in your Autostart, e.g. –profile TUD or –profile Private. Unfortunately, both opened windows will appear with the same Icon in the Indicator-Applet. A solution for this will be developed soon…

Furthermore, there are other Matrix-Clients, that are able to handle more Matrix-Accounts per se, e.g. weechat, Spectral, Quaternion, or Mirage.

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