Use integrations, bridges, bots (e.g. Jitsi)

Integrations/Widgets are managed via the room information in the upper right corner.

Add integration button

Here, for example, an etherpad, a jitsi video conference, an RSS bot, etc. is integrated, i.e. services that are located and run on other servers. Therefore, when using integrations, the JavaScript activity of (for the integration manager) and other servers (e.g. in the Firefox addon NoScript) must be allowed. Since the widgets are often too small to use the services in their full functionality, widgets often open large in new browser tabs.


The Etherpad widget is used for collaborative writing or attaching important information to a room.

For this purpose, a name must be assigned which must have less than 16 characters!

Etherpads have no user rights management, everyone can write and overwrite other texts (caution!). If user management is needed, better use Nextcloud Text (contact h_da cloud)

Text and images are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.