Write and read messages

Messages are sent with the Enter key. Press Shift + Enter for a line break.

Explanation of the symbols in the text input line

files (also images) up to a size of 10MB are possible to send. Select the paper clip for this purpose. The sidebar with the document symbol shows the files within a room. Larger files are shared via the cloudstore of h_da and a share link.

Matrix Element allows message text formatted in the markup language MarkDown. Here are some examples:

result to type
Bold **Bold**
Italic _Italic_
| quote > quote
Heading 1 # Heading 1
Heading 2 ## Heading 2
Matrix Help [Matrix Help](https://its.h-da.io/element-docs/en/)
h-da Logo ![h-da Logo](/images/logo2.png)
list entries * list entry
* list entry
* list entry
numbered lists 1. numbered list
2. numbered list
3. numbered list

The current MarkDown specification is here.

LaTeX formula input is supported as well.

Hashtags are used to make terms easier to find in the search.

Smileys are used with a starting colon “:”

Opened Emoji menu

If there are more unread messages in a room than the screen can display, clicking on the icon to the right of the central content with a triangle pointing up and a dot pointing up will jump to the oldest unread message.

Mark the jump to the last unread message button Similarly, to jump to the latest timestamp of a conversation click on the triangle at the bottom of a circle on the right edge of the central content page.

Marking of the button jumping to the newest message

A theme-based presentation (also called “threading”) that is similarly good as Zulip (by themes in each room/group/stream/channel) or in other programs by using a 3rd column does not exist with Matrix/Element, but is available as a wish: https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/2349

Text and images are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.